because I have so much for which to be grateful

I am grateful to YOU for looking at my gratitude blog :)

Thank You!


Clean Eating Magazine Subscription


Woohoo! I got the first issue of my Clean Eating Magazine subscription today. The other two pictured above were purchased at the newstand. I have made about half a dozen recipes out of these magazines already and loved every one. Awesome. I am grateful for my Clean Eating Magazine subscription.

Big Pink Roses

It’s December, and I’m thankful again! They have the best roses at Fresh Market and they are not very expensive. Remember these? Chad brought me these pink ones last weekend. The color is amazing. And they all opened (just like the orange ones), which is never the case with other grocery store roses. And they seem to last a really long time. I adore having fresh flowers in my kitchen pretty much all of the time. My house is not fancy, and is often a total wreck, but having beautiful flowers makes me feel like it’s special. I am grateful for big pink roses.

Low-brow Humor

Um, yeah. We got our CSA veggies today. Including an, um, interesting eggplant. Cal says it looks like a cartoon character named “Dilbert”. He says anybody with a nose like that should be named “Dilbert”. I kind of think it looks like something else. What do you think? I am grateful for low-brow humor.

New Haircuts

We are having family portraits taken tomorrow, so both of the boys got haircuts today. They both have decided they want to let their hair grow long (again) so it was just a trim to even things up. Marlene at The Uppercut is the only person who has ever cut Mack’s hair, and she has cut Cal’s hair since he was like two. She also cuts Chad’s hair. We are quite attached to her 🙂 Of course, no haircut is complete until a lollipop appears. I am grateful for new haircuts.

Tour De Pizza

I’ve paid homage on this blog to pizza night before. But I think about it every Thursday. This is our local pizza joint. I have mentioned it before on my main blog. We have been customers since the day they opened. I am friends with Matt, the owner. He is so friendly, always asking about the boys if they are not with me. If you are local, and you tell them you read my blog (at least if Matt is there), he’ll give you a 20% discount on your first order. My favorite thing about Tour De Pizza is that I can get a take-and-bake pizza. I love that I can go by there whenever it is convenient for me during the day, take the pizza home and stick it in the fridge, and bake it at dinner time, yummy and fresh out of my oven. I am grateful for Tour De Pizza.

Laughing Cow Lite Blue Cheese

Yum. That is all. Yum. I am grateful for Laughing Cow Light Blue Cheese.

Goofy Reflective Vest

I have been on the hunt for an LED light on a headband for running at night. I saw one on somebody’s gratitude blog…why don’t I ever remember where I see these things? If it was you, please tell me in the comments 🙂 The running shop near my house is out of them. So I looked at Target and they didn’t have them. But they did have this. A really cool reflective running/walking/biking vest. Obviously I have no pride, so I am thrilled to have this to wear when I run at night and when we go for our family walks after dinner now that the time has changed and it gets dark so early. I felt very safe on our walk tonight. I am grateful for my goofy reflective vest.

Mack’s Timeline is Finished

So Mack, my six year old, came home about a week ago and announced that he had to make a timeline of his life. He didn’t know any details. He didn’t have a written assignment telling us what to do. But he really wanted to get started right away. I told him we couldn’t start until I saw the assignment. The next day he came home with the assignment, stating that we had to do it right away! I read it, and saw that it was due Nov. 19. I told him we didn’t have time right then but we would work on it soon. So the next day Cal, my nine year old, mentioned that report cards were coming home the next day. Mack freaked out. He said we had to do the timeline immediately! It was going to be on his report card! I had to reassure him that was not the case. It wasn’t due until the 19th, after report cards were coming home. He was very worried and upset. We were only able to work on it a little over the weekend because Chad, the husband, was working from home all weekend and monopolizing the computer we needed (the one that stores all our old photos). Finally we were able to finish it today. He is happy and relieved and so am I (and it’s still not due until Friday) 🙂 I am grateful Mack’s timeline is finished.


I know I am old and out of touch, because I think I am the last person on the planet to discover the wonderfulness of podcasts. I have listened to podcasts on my computer for a long time, but it wasn’t until I started running that I ever thought of downloading them to my phone. And I have discovered that I really LOVE running to podcasts. It seems to make the time pass more quickly, even more quickly than music does. I get engrossed in the story and don’t even notice the mileage slipping by. So I am on the hunt for awesome podcasts. I have been listening to lots of NPR podcasts, TwoFitChicks, Roni Noone, and Bloggirlspod (well, they’ve only had one so far, but it was fun!). Do you have any that you love that you could recommend? I am grateful for podcasts.

A View of the Bay on My Walk

Oops, it’s midnight…barely made it in for a gratitude photo today! This afternoon, after a really happy trip to the mall with Mack, I decided to take a really long walk. I didn’t get to take my yoga class today, because my gym was closed for “employee appreciation day” and today was a day off for running. So I decided to go on a 5 mile walk. I thought that wouldn’t be a big deal. I walk several miles every day. I run several miles three times a week. So I took off on a route I had mapped out earlier. Once I got to the half way turn-around point, I thought, “What have I done?” My legs were TIRED. But I stuck it out (what choice did I have) and walked back towards home. I was rewarded on my way back with beautiful views of Tampa Bay and Placido Bayou. I am grateful for a view of the bay on my walk.